Business Performance Management News & Insights | Loop

Why data visualisation risks leaving your business high and dry

Written by Simon Porri | Feb 7, 2022 11:33:00 AM

Data visualisation is crucial in this digital-first era, enabling you to pull together disparate data sets into a single source of truth detailing your network’s performance… but then what?

It’s a question that traditional data visualisation providers tend to bat away, instead preferring to double down on their solutions’ headline features in those promos littering your inbox. Because of this, you’re likely already aware of data visualisation’s key benefits: A single source of truth offering a visual overview of your franchise network’s key metrics that allows you to spot any emerging issues, even deep dive into specific data subsets, all via user-friendly dashboards.

Better still, such tools can reduce the need for manual intervention, eliminate human error, free up data analysts from data management (so they can actually start analysing), and best of all, allow you to set up KPIs in moments. In other words, Excel, your time is up, please vacate the company server.

Here’s the catch

That all sounds ideal but unfortunately, it’s also where traditional business intelligence and visualisation tools grind to a halt. Instead of making data accessible and engaging to you and your business’ stakeholders, traditional tools take a ‘closed shop’ approach that’s targeted solely at analysts.

Also, while these solutions allow you to identify problems, they don’t give you the tools you need to implement change. Finally, instead of revealing what is driving trends and changes, existing solutions simply report on them, failing to offer the in-software ability to effectively action plan and monitor how your actions are impacting on your KPIs.

Act on it

Loop removes these restrictions entirely. Yes, it offers a single source of truth, user-friendly dashboards and KPI generation (as part of its Insights offering) but this represents only the first of three processes designed to help you identify insights and create assignable actions.

For example, once you’ve created your KPIs in-software based on Loop’s insights, its Action Planning module lets you assign any related actions to specific team members. In turn, these members can get to work immediately with progress visible to all relevant stakeholders. Such a single, centralised set of action-based tasks ensures that even the most complex of franchise networks can be managed efficiently, openly and collaboratively.

Bring it all together

Collaboration and teamwork are core to Loop’s third benefit: Accountability. With actions assigned, Loop keeps all relevant stakeholders updated with Head Office able to monitor progress geographically or by individual KPI to judge what impact a particular action is having.

In turn, Field Teams can monitor how sites in their area are performing, how they compare, and who needs the most support. And finally, franchise site staff can get real-time insights on the actions they are taking and how their own performance is improving. It means everyone is kept in the loop about their actions and critically, their responsibilities.

Change with confidence

Such benefits are vital to a sector where market conditions, customer needs and local/global events outside of your control are constantly changing. Thanks to its innovative three-step approach, Loop ensures your franchise network can confidently meet such challenges head on.

Our solution enables you to grow, flex, even pivot when you need to by leveraging Loop’s critical insights, measurable actions and franchise-wide accountability. In other words, Loop goes beyond where traditional data visualisation tools end, offering benefits that are already being enjoyed by some of the biggest players in the auto sector including Honda, Volvo and Volkswagen. It’s time to consider joining them.