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Centralise your data

Different systems, data sources, and formats make gleaning meaningful insights difficult - especially in multi-site organisations with multiple moving parts.

No matter how hard you try (and how much your teams might love using Excel), getting meaningful insights from numerous systems takes time, leading to errors and inconsistencies. In short, you'll never get a reliable, real-time view of what's happening.

Loop turns disparate data into meaningful insights

Everything in one place

Centralised data gives you an overview of your key metrics in one place, allowing you to quickly spot issues and dive into areas that need focus more easily.

Get it right first time

Reduced manual intervention means there are fewer errors and a higher degree of accuracy.

Single source of truth

Standardised data feeds, displays, and KPIs mean that everyone across your network is measuring the same thing, in the same way.

Acting on insight, not gathering data

Data Analysts often end up being Data Gatherers & Cleaners - Loop lets them do the job they were hired to do on a consistent basis.

Meaningful Insights
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Centralise your data, making it easier to uncover insights that require critical action.

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Set actions for your teams that improve productivity and grow your business.



Benefit from incisive action reporting as well as improved accountability.

Loop in action


Sofia Martinez

Dealer Performance Specialist, AGCO

"AGCO have always been a data-led business, but before Loop BI the team of analysts responsible for dealer reporting would spend a significant amount of their time collating, calculating and interpreting data. Loop has reduced that time by 75% through automation."

Turn your insights into action

Getting the right insight from your data is your first step towards a better, more profitable business.

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