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Confusion from Volvo's disparate data

Every business has data of some description and it goes without saying that large businesses have large volumes of data and, if not well managed, can be a case of big data - big problems. Manual data management and collation is no longer possible if you want to keep on top and use your data to keep ahead of the game. Volvo Trucks are no stranger to this situation and their abundance of disparate and disjointed data was causing confusion instead of clarity to improve sales and after-sales performance across their UK network.

Excel-based KPI data management was taking extensive amounts of valuable hours each month to manually compile sales performance and bonus reports. This was a huge drain on their resources and even the best analysts are open to human error. Delays and issues with the many KPI data feeds meant reports weren’t timely therefore the chance to proactively address lagging results simply was not available to the field teams. This often meant it was difficult to know where to focus efforts and the difficulty enhanced by the lack of confidence in the data accuracy. Planning for bonus payments was not possible as until the manual reports were compiled after the incentive period had closed budgeting for payouts was not possible.

"The team at Loop fully understands our business and our core values when it comes to our KPI’s, so having a team on hand is very well received. No matter what we put forward to them, there is always a solution found which meets the business needs."



Loop centralises Volvo’s sales and aftersales’ multiple data feeds into a simple online dashboard. Automated feeds enable every level of the hierarchy to have the information they need at a click of a button and without adding to workloads. Because the platform is meant for the business user minimal training and a quick adoption meant users had quick access to easy to understand and real time performance intelligence.


Head office, field managers and field teams have the data and reporting they need at both holistic and granular levels and the trusted insights empower teams to take the right, and swift, action to work toward priorities and in turn streamline processes. For head office, collective regional insights give them transparency of performance across all areas and field managers can now quickly establish what support each dealer needs to ensure targets are achieved.


Dealers can now see exactly how well they are performing and focus on the KPIs that align to Volvo’s business goals. With the transparency of performance Volvo knows how much bonus to pay out and importantly the dealers get to see how they are tracking throughout the bonus period. For Volvo trucks points mean pounds so their platform highlights what the dealers can do to earn those valued extra points.


“Having insight as part of the business helps us drive the performance to the next level of excellence. It also captures areas where further development may be required, so we can secure better customer satisfaction going forward.”


Loop helps improve sales and after-sales performance throughout Volvo Trucks' entire UK network and enables them to act on data insights that they can rely on. With confidence and ‘one version of the truth’, business decisions are made based on accurate data and it’s now easy to identify depots that require additional help and support from head office.


Living in the dark is a distant memory and Volvo UK have the clarity not of what they are achieving but what they are likely to achieve with tracking long term performance. Efficiencies across the network allow time to focus on what can be improved and how to continue to deliver consistent customer excellence they pride themselves on.


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Data doesn't define you, action does.

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