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Loop Partners with Climate Platform Ecologi

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Statistic showing 76% of business see sustainability as a core business strategy2023 was the hottest year on record, with carbon dioxide levels at an all-time high; all exacerbated by us humans. As extreme weather events become more common, this might be the wake-up call we all need to take our responsibility towards climate control more seriously.

At Loop, we recognise our role, especially since we collaborate with multiple automotive companies, which significantly impact our planet. As our Managing Director Simon Porri, explains:

“Loop has a great opportunity to support organisations in driving up sustainability standards by reviewing performance against ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) KPIs and putting clear actions in place. We also wanted to give customers the ability to proactively offset the carbon they use and to give this a visible presence on the Loop platform, therefore bringing a commitment to the environment to the forefront. That’s why we’ve joined forces with Ecologi.”

Who is Ecologi?

Founded in 2019, Ecologi is a passionate UK-based community that has blossomed into a progressive organisation, supporting over 20,000 companies to reduce their emissions and take climate action. The tool allows companies to calculate and reduce their carbon footprint, as well as fund certified climate projects across the globe, like reforestation and carbon avoidance.

Statistics on Ecologi's overall business performance

How Loop Has Integrated Ecologi

To demonstrate our commitment to the environment, we have just integrated Ecologi’s tree-planting intiative onto our platform. Our customers can opt into this feature and customise its functionality. The idea is that when a user completes a desirable task in one of the modules, they are rewarded a tree credit, symbolised by a sapling icon. The user experience is seamless; they simply carry on with their tasks as normal and once complete a beautiful, green sapling appears. The icon is clickable should users want to find out more, and we encourage our customers to clearly communicate the positive impact of completing such tasks. More desirable actions completed = more trees planted – everyone’s happier, including the planet!

How Customisable is the Feature?

On your version of Loop, you control which completed tasks you want to reward with a tree credit. For example, it might be a finalised visit in the Visits Module, a completed action in the Action Centre Module, or perhaps a completed survey in the Surveys Module. The actions do not have to be ESG-related; but imagine the twofold positive impact if they were!

A diagram depicting how Loop integrates Ecologi

Loop & Ecologi in Action

As mentioned, we work closely with multiple organisations in the automotive industry. With net-zero goals looming and the automotive industry responsible for 10% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions**, we are committed to helping our partners with their sustainability stance. Gov.uk recently reported that the “UK now has the most ambitious regulatory framework for the switch to electric vehicles of any country in the world”, so pressure is mounting for companies to make auditable changes.

One of our existing customers, Suzuki, having learned about the benefits of the Ecologi partnership, has opted to add the Ecologi functionality imminently. Collectively we can help fund climate projects that are having a real impact for our planet.

To date, we’ve helped fund forest restoration in Kenya, where local people have been hired on a fair wage to grow, plant and manage the trees in the Mau region – part of a 7-year project to plant 14.25 million Afromontane trees. To find out more about the amazing Ecologi projects head to their website for information, photos and project updates.

Eden restoration project in Kenya

Let Loop Help You on Your Sustainability Journey

Loop is a business performance management tool that helps organisations boost productivity, profitability, and maintain consistency across their network. For those in the automotive world, we understand the current challenges of becoming EV ready. Loop has the capability to streamline sustainability projects across your multi-locations to ensure government targets are met within the required timescales. Retailers and franchises also face similar large-scale projects to aid climate control.

If you need to ramp up your accountability around ESG goals and actions and want to be part of the great work Ecologi does, drop us a line for a chat.

Get in touch


* Climate_Commitments_Survey.pdf (offset.earth)
** How to navigate sustainability in the automotive industry | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)

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