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5 reasons OEMs and Franchise Brands should prioritise location-level reporting

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As an OEM or Franchise Brand, are you maximising the potential of location-level reporting in comparison to the reporting available at Head Office? Providing valuable insights to location owners and their teams is often neglected, which can be a major missed opportunity.

The Benefits

Here are five reasons the reporting you deliver to your locations can be a game-changer for your business network:

  1. Boost Revenue & Growth: Revenue and business growth ultimately have to come from your network locations. Without visibility of location-level performance, they might be missing opportunities to drive growth and increase revenue.
  2. Embrace Automation: If you’re not automating the delivery of performance reporting through software, your teams are trying to get a picture manually. This creates a huge amount of waste and distraction from their day jobs, and reporting may not even be accurate.
  3. Spot the Stars & Troublemakers: Zero in on top-performers and replicate their success. Pinpoint underperformers and offer targeted support for improvement.
  4. Forge Joint Accountability: Unite Head Office and the network with shared responsibility for business performance. Visibility and accountability for everyone means real change is possible.
  5. Power Up Field Teams & Locations: Enable better collaboration, smarter decision-making, and proactive issue resolution. Empower your teams with location-level reporting for a stronger, more efficient network.

The Evidence

The results are evident in the case of Volkswagen Group UK, which implemented location-level reporting software, across all Group functions, including Volkswagen Financial Services, cars, commercial vehicles, aftersales and finance operations within their 800-strong retailer network.

All locations were given access to a single, open, and transparent view of performance from HQ to dealer management. The tools included balanced scorecards to highlight inefficiencies and action setting to drive KPI-linked behaviors, resulting in a 10% improvement in efficiency and performance, time savings, and a more standardised way of working and reporting.

The Takeaway

Location-level reporting is a must for OEMs and Franchise brands. Automate performance reporting, improve visibility, and hold everyone accountable to drive change. Identify top and underperforming locations, enhance decision-making, and empower collaboration. Rev up your network for growth and increased revenue.

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